FM traffic receiver for garmin

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FM traffic receiver for garmin

Příspěvek: # 23740Příspěvek EUgene

Hi guys,

I apologize for writing in English here (unfortunately my Czech is not very good still).

Is anyone here using FM traffic receiver for Garmin? I'm thinking to buy one but I'm not sure how useful it would be in Prague/Czech Republic.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: FM traffic receiver for garmin

Příspěvek: # 23753Příspěvek Scorpio_cz

Mám hravou :mad2: tak to zhuštěně přeložím :
EUgene píše: Ahojte,

omlouvám se že tu píšu Anglicky (bohužel moje Čeština stále není moc dobrá).

Používá tady někdo FM traffic receiver pro Garmina? Uvažuju nad jeho koupí ale nejsem si jistý užitečností v Praze / Čechách.

Předem děkuji!
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Re: FM traffic receiver for garmin

Příspěvek: # 23944Příspěvek Strogoff

Traffic receiver, i've been using it for a year, and it works fairly well, technically speaking, BUT... messages are not updated in real time, meaning that sometimes it warns for traffic jams when they are no more (for a while), and vice versa. In fact once you know Prague's roads, you know when, and where you can expected jams, then you drive accordingly. Now to answer you question, to buy one or not? It depends on you level of trust, and if you can afford 2000 Kc (I think that's the price). Hope it helps :zamysl:
Ted Garmin 3597, drive Garmin 3790, Garmin 760
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Registrován: 31.10.2008, 8:47

Re: FM traffic receiver for garmin

Příspěvek: # 24067Příspěvek EUgene

thanks a lot! :-)
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Registrován: 21.8.2008, 18:02

Re: FM traffic receiver for garmin

Příspěvek: # 24095Příspěvek kolombo007

Hi, I do use it, but, honestly, in PRG or Czech I do consider it as useless, as provided info is pretty rare and I'd say too much outdated and weak ...

Would be easier to learn Czech and tune Radio Beat ;) ....