Ackoliv je to nad ramec tohoto tematu tak popisu to co jsi nakousl - chtel jsem si pres TThome nastavit upozorneni na blizici se POI (cti radar). Takze jsem sel do menu -> Upozorneni na BZ nebo jak se to jmenuje -> vybral kategorii POI -> nastavil vzdalenost -> nastavil zvuk a ulozil. Druhy den vezmu navigaci do auta, jedu a misto upozorneni na radar se mi ozve jen defaultni zvuk.
Chyba neni urcite na me strane ale na strane TThome avsak pri nastavovani upozorneni na 36 kategorii POI je zdlouhava prace takze je voser to delat vicekrat nez jednou... :/
To je pro vysvetlenou
Nechci editovat binarni soubory ale pokud mozno soubory v plaintextu.
To enable or disable some features, edit the "setconfig.txt" file which is in "Config" folder in your tomtom drive and add/remove accordingly :
TTSoff = switch TTS off
FMon = FMTransmitter on (for x10)
FMoff = switch auto enabled FM by some Emus again off, only for Device without FM, Mp3-Player not more available
btoff = disable BT, if you not need, save then a little more RAM
bton = if you not have BT enable it Button for Speedcams in Menu
noqfixdel = disable Quickfix erase after you have press reset, if you wonder where is gone qfixfiles normally
delgns = remove (Start,supend) old TMC-Data (gns/gnsdata)
delmap = delete each boot currentmap.dat
cleanflash = delete all from Flash what is possible (*.mac etc.), Settings lost
viewmsg = enable BootHelpmessages
nomsg = disable complete all BootHelpmessages
runclean = remove all unneeded Files to save RAM, since it is original not more include now as experimental
rm = remove a few additional Files (also for BT needed) to save RAM (experimental)
runcheck = check a few "important" Files, view config.txt for Result
changedtext.txt = you can change the Text on Status/Info Screen, write your own Text in the File
SDid.txt = write for each SD/Memory a other Number inside and you can for each use a own different Mainsetting
usesetting = use always Settings from SD, not the in Device itself saved Settings
Jirasek: mimo legalni uroven se pohybovat nechci ale jak se zda tak neupraveny NavCore toho moc nezmuze a zasahy do souboru jsou tak passe... No nic, budu dale hloubat